Wednesday 17 July 2013

BACK IN TIME (chapter two)



I slumped out of bed, stumbled down the stairs, and plopped down at the kitchen table. I checked out what kinds of cereal we had in the pantry and pulled out some corn flakes. I was half finished my cereal when I realized the newspaper sitting on the table, it read: "TIME MACHINE FINALLY FINISHED IN OTTAWA!" I lived in Ottawa, so, in a split second, I scribbled a note down on a napkin, and was out the door.

Once I got to the science lab where they created the time machine, I thought, This might not be as easy as I thought it was going to be. First of all, there were four security cameras on the front wall, (and they were on the other walls too) and German Shepherds, hungry looking German Shepherds guarding all entrances. I carefully walked up to the front door, and realized that the dogs were eating what looked like a chipmunk. The chipmunk had had dog food wedged halfway half way in its mouth, so I figured that it must have tried to steal some of it or something like that.

Before I wasted anymore time, I sprang into action and sprinted through the front doors, but, of course, one of the dogs heard or saw me and chased me through them too. Luckily, I saw a Janitor`s closet at the last second and dove into it just as the dog ripped off my pant leg and shredded it into a million pieces. I slammed the door shut and locked it. How am I going to get out of here without being caught or ending up like that very unlucky chipmunk, I thought. Then, I turned around, and, on the shelf there was a box of "Knockout Needles" those needles that doctors use to put there patients to sleep. And, at that moment, I got a pretty good but dangerous idea...

I kicked open the door and the next thing I knew I was on the floor with a 70-pound dog on top of me, trying to rip my nose off. I stabbed the dog in the neck with the needle and it bit at my face, but I blocked it with my arm and it`s teeth sank in, giving it time to shake out the"Knockout Needle". When it tugged to get them out, it`s teeth ripped down half my arm, spilling my blood all over the floor. I screamed in agony. Somehow, I manged to flip myself on top of the dog. With uncontrollable screams spilling from my mouth, I beat the dog with my fists until it lay unconscious on the floor, and then I ran.

All of a sudden, alarms blared. "Uh-oh." I muttered to myself. I heard heavy footsteps coming down the hallway along with some shouts that I  was pretty sure were saying "When target is in sight, fire at will!"

"Double uh-oh." I said to myself.

I made a sharp turn around a corner and slammed into a glass door. I looked up and saw a sign that read "Authorized Personnel Only". Behind the door, I saw something that was gray with a lot of weird colourful buttons and some flashing lights. I stared at it for a moment, and the only thing I figured it could be was the time machine.

All I had to do to get in the room behind the glass door was to grab a fire extinguisher and plummet it at the glass, causing the fire extinguisher to explode and the pressure of the fire extinguisher exploding shattered the glass into a million pieces. Piece of cake.

"Wow, amazing security." I muttered to myself as I jogged into the room. I typed the passcode to unlock the time machine. It`s doors slid open and I took a step inside. Just as the doors slid closed, several strong men with guns stepped into the room. (And what I mean by strong, is like, Arnold Schwarzenegger-like strong) "Triple uh-oh." I muttered to myself as I set the date I was going back to. My hands trembled as I pressed the button that activated the time machine, and I blacked out.

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